“The consumer awareness model deployed so effectively by Euro NCAP has not just fundamentally changed the European market, it has helped to catalyse other NCAPs across the world in middle and low income countries. Consumer pressure informed by crash tests is helping to make rapid changes in levels of safety in India, Latin America and the ASEAN region. Euro NCAP has truly had a global impact, a proud road safety legacy that has saved countless lives.”
Euro NCAP President and Thatcham Chief Technical Officer, Andrew Miller: “The impact of these tests cannot be overstated. Until Euro NCAP, consumers only had the manufacturers’ word for it. Now we have the safest cars ever and the safety levels of each car are there for all to see. This success could only be achieved by actively working together in Europe under one umbrella and by continuing to invest in better safety.”
Euro NCAP tests have become ever more demanding and cars can now achieve a maximum of five stars, awarded not just for how they protect occupants and pedestrians in a collision, but on the car’s ability to avoid a crash in the first place. The tests represent real-life accident scenarios that could result in the death or injury. Top achievers must demonstrate that their cars are fitted as standard with technology that avoids or mitigates such crashes and, where a crash is not avoidable, adequate protection is offered to car occupants and other road users.
"Euro NCAP has been the driving force behind improvements in vehicle safety in Europe for two decades. In an age of increasing automation and technological change, the role of independent testing will become even more important. We hope the organisation will remain at the forefront of vehicle safety for many years to come." said Antonio Avenoso, Executive Director of the European Transport Safety Council.
Editors notes
1. Estimated number of car occupant death prevented between 1998 and 2015, based on ETSC PIN Report 2016:http://etsc.eu/10th-annual-road-safety-performance-index-pin-report/
2. Estimated total accumulated costs related to vehicle testing, not including cost for cars, spare parts and other consumables.
3. European Commission - Fact Sheet 2015 road safety statistics: What is behind the figures?http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-16-864_en.htm
4. Two anniversary crash tests have been carried out at the Thatcham Research Centre, an accredited Euro NCAP test facility based in the UK, showing the difference of safety between a late nineties Rover 100 and the recent Honda Jazz.