[google5c69d2d86a1bf98c.html] Autos, Test Drive, Noticias y mucho más.: octubre 2012

miércoles, octubre 31, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts – Ways You Can Help in Evansville.


Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts – Ways You Can Help in Evansville

By Ryan O'Bryan

The relief effort to clean up the devastation left behind by Hurricane Sandy on Monday are well underway on the east coast. While many organizations responsible for getting the area back in order and providing aid to those affected are seeking volunteers to help distribute supplies and provide comfort  o those who lost everything, there are a variety ways those of us here in the tri-state can help without leaving home.

Thanks to the internet, you can provide assistance from the comfort of your couch, dining room table, den, or wherever your home computer happens to be.

AmeriCares is a non-profit whose focus is delivering medicine and medical supplies to devastated areas around the world and here in the U.S. Monetary donations can be made online at their website.
Feeding America does exactly what its name implies, provides much needed nutrition to individuals who have lost everything due to events such as Hurricane Sandy. They offer a variety of ways to help through their website.
The Humane Society of the United States are focusing their efforts on the thousands of animals that have been displaced by the storm, along with providing assistance to animal shelters in the region that have been forced to temporarily relocate due to flooding and other building damage. Monetary donations are being accepted through their website.
The Southwestern Indiana Chapter of the American Red Cross at the intersection of the Lloyd and Stockwell Road is not only accepting monetary donations online, or by texting the word REDCROSS to 90999 to make a quick, $10 donation, but they are also encouraging Evansvillle-area residents to make blood donations at their nearest Red Cross facility. Greg Waite with the Red Cross told me  by e-mail that those interested in donating blood must be 16 (w/parental consent) 17 or older, weigh 110lbs and be in good health to donate.
The Salvation Army is accepting clothing donations at any of their Family Stores as well as monetary donations through their website. And much like The Red Cross, interested donors and make a $10 donation to The Salvation Army with their phone by texting the word STORM to 80888.

Jaguar F-TYPE, two-seater sports car unveiled in Paris.

The F-TYPE, an all-new, two-seater Jaguar sports car has been unveiled in Paris.

Adrian Hallmark, Global Brand Director, Jaguar, said: “Jaguar is a founder member of the sports car segment with a rich sporting bloodline stretching over 75 years, and in the F-TYPE we’ve reignited that flame. The F-TYPE isn’t designed to be like anyone else’s sports car. It’s a Jaguar sports car – ultra-precise, powerful, sensual and, most of all, it feels alive.”

The new Jaguar F-TYPE represents a return to the company’s heartland: a two-seater, convertible sports car focused on delivering performance, agility and maximum driver reward.

Three models will be available – F-TYPE, F-TYPE S and the F-TYPE V8 S. They are powered respectively by Jaguar’s new 3.0-litre V6 supercharged petrol engine in 340PS and 380PS outputs and its 5.0-litre V8 supercharged petrol producing 495PS.

Visually, the F-TYPE’s exterior demonstrates a new sports car design language for Jaguar, with cleaner lines delivered through the discreet use of technology such as deployable spoiler and door handles.

The F-TYPE was revealed in front of the dramatic setting of the 18th century Musée Rodin. Following the reveal, singer Lana Del Rey took to the stage and performed a new track ‘Burning Desire’, that she has written as part of her collaboration with F-TYPE.

The track is confirmed to be the sound track to a short film that is being produced in association with Ridley Scott Associates and will feature on her new album. The F-TYPE makes its global public debut at the Paris Motor Show on Thursday 27th September.


martes, octubre 30, 2012

25° Years Ac Schnitzer.

25° Years Ac Schnitzer Automobile Editions

ACS 25 Years 1er

ACS 25 Years ACS3 F30

ACS 25 Years 5er


2012 Camaro Hot Wheels...Toys for Boys.

°Chevrolet ofrece el primer modelo de producción de Hot Wheels°

Las Vegas, Nevada a 29 de octubre de 2012.- El sueño de millones de fans de Hot Wheels® se hará realidad cuando la edición de Camaro Hot Wheels® llegue a los distribuidores de Chevrolet a principios del próximo año. Esta es la primera vez que un auto de Hot Wheels se convierte en auto de producción
de tamaño real.

“Millones de personas crecimos jugando con Hot Wheels”, dijo Chris Perry, Vicepresidente de Mercadotecnia de Chevrolet. “Ofrecer un modelo de producción especial de Camaro Hot Wheels es una oportunidad para traer esos recuerdos de vida de vuelta, es para niños de todas las edades”.

Camaro Edición Hot Wheels debutó hoy en el SEMA Show, en Las Vegas. Una serie especial de esta edición será producida en el primer trimestre de 2013, y como pasa con los juguetes coleccionables estará disponible hasta agotar existencia. 

“Han sido casi 20 años desde que comencé a diseñar autos para Hot Wheels y ahora quiero manejar uno a casa”, dijo Felix Holst, Vicepresidente Creativo para la División Mattel Wheels. “Personalmente, no puedo esperar a abrir la puerta de mi cochera y ver el Camaro de Hot Wheels estacionado”. 

La apariencia de Camaro Edición Hot Wheels cuenta con las líneas características que los entusiastas de Hot Wheels reconocen como es la pintura metálica vibrante, los acentos gráficos en color metálico, incluso, la línea roja en las ruedas, el resultado un auténtico Hot Wheels.

Camaro Edición Hot Wheels estará disponible en carrocerías cupé y convertible en las versiones 2LT (V-6) y 2SS (V-8), combinando elementos distintivos de alto desempeño de Camaro ZL1 en color exterior azul cinético y gráficos únicos.

Entre los detalles exteriores destacan:
°Alerón trasero de ZL1 (modelos cupé)
°Parrilla de ZL1
°Paquete de apariencia que incluye deflector delantero y faldones laterales
°Rines de 21” negros con franja roja
°Franja de dos tonos color mate y blackout en las luces traseras
°Gráficos con diseño de flamas en la defensa
°Logos de Hot Wheels en parrilla y cajuela

En el interior destacan los asientos tapizados en piel negra con costuras en rojo y negro con el logo de Hot Wheels bordado en los asientos delanteros. El panel de instrumentos y los insertos de las puertas son de color negro con las características flamas de Hot Wheels desplegadas en cada puerta. Los estribos de las puertas también muestran el logo de Hot Wheels.

(David Ross (left), Chevrolet Design Manager, and Felix Holst (right), vice president of creative for the Mattel Wheels Division, inspect the 2013 Camaro Hot Wheels(R) edition, which will arrive at Chevrolet dealerships in early 2013)

Los modelos SS cuentan con un motor 6.2 litros V8, que se ofrece en dos versiones: el L99 que está acoplado a una transmisión automática y ofrece una potencia de 400 caballos de fuerza y 410 lb-pie de torque, incluye el sistema de ahorro de combustible Active Fuel Management, y el LS3 con transmisión manual que desarrolla 426 caballos de fuerza y un torque de 420 lb-pie.

El paquete LT cuenta con el motor LFX un V6 de 3.6 litros con doble árbol de levas, apertura variable de válvulas e inyección directa de combustible, ofrece una potencia de 323 caballos a las 6,800 rpm.

La versión SS cuenta con un sistema de escape dual, transmisión manual de seis velocidades, el LT ofrece transmisión manual o automática. Similar a los sistemas que se encuentran en el Camaro ZL1, el sistema accionado por vacío proporciona una experiencia de conducción más silenciosa a velocidades bajas y un sonido más agresivo durante la aceleración.

Camaro Edición Hot Wheels cuenta con el sistema de infoentretenimiento MyLink, exclusivo de Chevrolet, que ofrece una pantalla táctil de 7 pulgadas a color, sistema de navegación GPS, conexión a través de Bluetooth que permite vincular los smartphones y dispositivos, radio en línea como Pandora® y Stitcher Smart Radio® y comandos de voz para la operación del sistema.
El juguete original Custom Camaro a escala 1:64 de 1968 fue uno de los 16 Hot Wheels originales y sigue siendo uno de los más valiosos juguetes de Hot Wheels entre los coleccionistas.


Chevrolet, Fondo Unido México y Club Santos Laguna, segunda entrega de balones indestructibles.

Chevrolet, Fondo Unido México y Club Santos Laguna realizan segunda entrega de balones indestructibles a favor de la niñez mexicana.

Toluca, Estado de México, a  22 de octubre de 2012.- El pasado 20 de octubre,  Chevrolet, Fondo Unido México y el Club Santos Laguna, refrendaron su compromiso con los niños y jóvenes de México durante un evento realizado en el Museo Modelo de Ciencias e Industria de la ciudad de Toluca. En esta ocasión, jugadores del Club Santos Laguna -como parte de las actividades de Guerreros de Corazón, así como algunos representantes de Chevrolet y Fondo Unido México, realizaron la segunda entrega de balones de futbol indestructibles creados por la organización One World Futbol Project, con la finalidad de involucrar a niños y jóvenes de las comunidades menos favorecidas del Estado en el mundo del futbol e invitarlos a que adopten el deporte en sus vidas.

La alianza entre Chevrolet, Fondo Unido y el Club Santos busca potenciar el desarrollo integral de los niños y niñas a través del juego, y fomentar los valores del deporte y de una vida saludable. Gracias a la tecnología del balón, este puede cumplir su cometido en cualquier comunidad, sin importar condiciones climáticas y se puede utilizar en cualquier superficie, garantizando el derecho al juego en los niños.

“Esta iniciativa no sólo promueve un estilo de vida saludable, sino que además estamos abriendo las puertas para implementar programas sustentables impactando en la nutrición y el desarrollo integral de los niños y jóvenes”, comentó el Presidente del Patronato de Fondo Unido, Alfonso Villalva. “Gracias a la dotación de estos balones indestructibles se verán beneficiados más de 1,000 niños y jóvenes: 110 de ellos en Torreón y más de 800 en el Estado de México”.

Los jugadores del Club Santos Laguna, Felipe Baloy, Miguel Becerra y el entrenador de porteros Néstor Benedetich, convivieron  con los  jóvenes  de la Escuela Secundaria Técnica 128, Lic. Adolfo López Mateos, que pertenecen al programa de inversión social de Fondo Unido México.

“Esta es una muestra más de que siendo Guerreros de Corazón realmente podemos cambiar la vida de los niños”, comentó Manuel Portilla, Director de Mercadotecnia y Comercialización del Club Santos.

“Todavía nos queda una entrega más para el Estado de Coahuila, donde nuevamente  algunos de nuestros jugadores podrán compartir momentos muy valiosos con los niños de estas comunidades”.

(Manuel Portilla (Santos), Alfonso Villalva (Fondo Unido) y Mauricio Kuri (Chevrolet)

La alianza entre Chevrolet, Fondo Unido México y el Club Santos Laguna, forma parte de un programa de  largo plazo que utilizará al futbol como un medio que permita vivir unidos en  beneficio de las comunidades más desfavorecidas de México. “El compromiso de Chevrolet de fomentar el deporte a través del futbol en los niños y jóvenes es global y en México está siendo posible gracias a aliados como Fondo Unido y el Club Santos, que comparten con nosotros el deseo de apoyar el desarrollo integral de las nuevas generaciones”, concluyó Mauricio Kuri, Director de Relaciones Públicas y Gubernamentales de General Motors de México.

Usain Bolt, nombrado Director Oficial de Emoción en Nissan

Usain Bolt, nombrado Director Oficial de Emoción en Nissan

Yokohama, Japón. octubre de 2012.- Nissan anunció el nombramiento de Usain Bolt como Director Oficial de Emoción. Esta posición de honor del famoso corredor, fue revelada en una ceremonia en Yokohama, Japón, donde recibió las llaves de un muy especial Nissan GT-R color oro.

El auto súper deportivo será subastado a beneficio de la Fundación Usain Bolt, que ayuda a crear oportunidades educativas y culturales para niños y jóvenes que residen en el país de origen del campeón Olímpico de Jamaica.

El único GT-R será grabado con la firma de Bolt y acondicionado interiormente, con acabados en oro real.


miércoles, octubre 17, 2012

Programa Nissan-Carrot Electric

(El auto eléctrico Nissan LEAF, ya puede ser rentado con la empresa Carrot bajo el modelo de Car Charing)

Nissan LEAF sigue su proceso de expansión.
Recientemente, se dio a conocer el Programa Nissan-Carrot Electric, donde tres unidades LEAF formarán parte de este programa de autos compartidos (car sharing) que promueve la empresa Carrot y que permitirá que los clientes renten este modelo cero emisiones en forma inmediata.

(Lic. Martha Delgado, Secretaria del Medio Ambiente (centro); Diego Solórzano, Director General de Carrot México (Izq.); y  Jorge Vallejo, Director de la Unidad de Negocios Cero Emisiones de Nissan México y Latinoamérica (Der.), atestiguan la entrega de los primeros tres Nissan LEAF para apoyar el Programa Nissan-Carrot Electric.)

martes, octubre 16, 2012

Fiat Panda available in four versions: 4x4, Trekking, Natural Power and EasyPower.

The Fiat Panda is available in four versions: 4x4, Trekking, Natural Power and EasyPower 
Panda Trekking: the new ‘City Utility Vehicle’ by Fiat
The Panda Natural Power, enjoy yourself... spending less
The Panda EasyPower: saving has never been so easy

The third generation of Fiat Panda expands its product range with four important developments: the 4x4, Trekking, Natural Power and EasyPower versions. With their distinctive aesthetic and mechanical characteristics, the four versions complement the largest, most versatile range in the category, today comprising 6 engine versions, 3 drive versions, 3 transmissions, 5 trim levels, 12 body colours, 13 interiors and 7 styles of rims resulting in more than 850 possible combinations.

Likable, versatile, informal, useful and generous. That's the Panda, "extremely Panda". However, behind that fun and casual appearance, the new Panda offers advanced technological solutions, so much so that it has no competitors in its class: it is the only genuine 'pocket' 4x4 car, the only methane citycar on the market and the only vehicle equipped with Traction+ in its category. After all, offering original style, advanced technology accessible to everyone, and smart solutions that simplify and improve life on board is in Fiat's DNA.

While maintaining the identity of a compact car vehicle, the Fiat Panda is a cross-functional model capable of meeting numerous usage requirements. Some people choose it for city use, but others want it as a 'travelling companion' for outings as well as for the most extreme adventures. Families like it because it boasts top class, modular interior space and the largest luggage compartment in its category. It is the choice of young drivers who show a greater interest in respect for the environment and sustainable mobility as well as of customers who are looking for the same equipment, comfort and safety features of a superior segment car in a five-door, five-seat compact car that is agile in traffic and easy to park also thanks to the Dualdrive electric power steering with "City" function. For each of them, there is a specific version of the model. Every customer can select the tool that best suits their mobility requirements in the "Swiss-army knife" range of Panda features.

On the market starting from early 2012, the new Panda is the natural evolution of an invention that in its 31-year history has always been a byword for likability, ease-of-use and versatility. Panda is all this and more: a true brand brimming with rational and emotional values. With more than 6.5 million units produced, Panda has won over million of motorists of different inclinations, age, nationality and background. A best seller which holds significant records in its category and has significantly contributed to the undisputed leadership of FIAT in this segment. For example, it was the first spacious compact (less than 4 metres in length) to feature a diesel engine (1986) and, again in this category, it was the first to offer both fourwheel drive (1983) and a range of eco-friendly engines designed to limit fuel consumption (the Panda Elettra was introduced in 1990, one of the first electric cars).

Then, with the second generation Panda (2003), it was the first car of its segment to win the prestigious title of "Car of the Year" in 2004. Also, in 2004, two Panda 4x4s took part in an audacious test drive which began in Kathmandu (Nepal) and ended at Everest's high-tech base camp: it was the first time that a little off-road vehicle reached this base at an altitude of 5,200 metres. An even more extraordinary feat if you bear in mind that the two cars were prepared only by making some modifications to the calibration of the engine management control unit to adapt them to the local petrol.

At the beginning of this year, the third generation of Fiat Panda was launched, marking the coming of age of a model that offers even more quality in terms of space, comfort, functionality, technology and safety features. And all of this is made even more exciting by the extension of the range that now includes the 4x4, Trekking, Natural Power and EasyPower versions destined to consolidate the model's leadership in the A segment in Europe.

The Panda 4x4, the only '4x4 citycar' on the market
The Fiat Panda 4x4 is the only 4WD model in segment A. Successor to a best-seller which first appeared 29 years ago and made its name as the smallest and most interesting "explorer" in the category, today's new four-wheel drive Panda is a Jack of all trades, ready to tackle mountain mule tracks and the urban jungle with the same cool. In addition to standard equipment able to satisfy the most demanding of customers, from a technical point of view, the new Panda 4x4 has bettered itself once more and proven its admirable capacity to compete with off-road cars of much greater dimensions (as well as much higher prices).

With five doors, the car is 368 centimetres long, 167 centimetres wide and 160 centimetres high. The wheelbase is 230 centimetres. It has a front track of 141 centimetres and a rear track of 140. With a look characterised by the marked geometric lines of the front and rear bumpers, with aluminium coloured cosmetic inserts to underline the presence of metallic protection under the body, the new Panda 4x4 also comes in two new bodywork colours: Sicilia orange (pastel) and Toscana green (metallic). With respect to the solutions adopted on 4x2 versions, this Panda offers some new features: a new green fascia variant frames the instruments and the large storage pocket, fabric seats with a special design in three colour options (green, sand, pumpkin) and eco-leather details, and finally a new storage compartment added to the 14 already present on the 4x2.

The Panda 4x4 is a vehicle with outstanding personality, which knows how to win over the most demanding customers, lovers of adventure and life in the open air. For those customers, the new version uses a "Torque on demand" drive system, which is activated automatically when needed, so you can tackle any driving situation in complete cool. The Panda also 4x4 features the ESC (Electronic Stability Control) system with ELD (Electronic Locking Differential) function as standard. This system provides additional assistance while driving and setting off on slippery terrain (snow, ice, mud etc.).

The Panda 4x4 also offers all the dynamics and comfort you need to complete long and challenging routes, thanks above all to the revised suspension- an independent MacPherson wheel arrangement at the front and interconnected wheels with torsion beam layout at the rear - to the 6-speed gearbox with shortened first gear connected to the TwinAir Turbo engine, to accentuate the model's off-road features, ensuring optimum setting off during hill starts. Finally, to ensure maximum grip on any road surface the new model benefits from specifically developed 175/65 R15 84T M+S tyres.

The Fiat Panda 4x4 is available with two engine options, both with Start&Stop: the new 85 HP 0.9 TwinAir Turbo and the 75 HP 1.3 MultiJet II diesel. The TwinAir Turbo has 40% more torque than the 1.2 Fire of the previous generation. This, in combination with the special six-speed gearbox with shortened first gear, ensures much better uphill starts, quality start-up, flexibility and pick-up. A similar improvement is evident on the MultiJet II engine, where torque is increased by 30%.

The car offers a wealth of standard equipment, including: ESC system with ELD, manual climate control system, CD/MP3 radio, 15" burnished alloy rims, 175/65 R15 M+S tyres, electric door mirrors, central locking system with remote control and rear headrests. Furthermore, the abundant optional equipment and accessories include the innovative "City Brake Control" system, the sliding rear seat and Blue&Me TomTom2 LIVE".

The Panda Trekking, the new 'City Utility Vehicle' by Fiat 
Besides being the link between the 4x2 and the 4x4 versions, the Fiat Panda Trekking is the first five-door CUV (City Utility Vehicle) in this segment combining off-road looks with smart front-wheel drive thanks to Traction+ technology, an innovative traction control system that improves handling on difficult and slippery terrain thus guaranteeing excellent performance when setting off.

Available with the 85 HP 0.9 TwinAir Turbo and the 75 HP 1.3 MultiJet II as a standard, "Traction+" is therefore perfectly in tune with the Panda concept: a car for doing whatever you want.

That's what makes this new car the perfect solution for those who mainly use their vehicles in the city, but want to travel safely on surfaces with poorer road grip during all their outdoor activities. All of this without compromising on the space and versatility so unique to an SUV which is compact on the outside but surprisingly large on the inside. The passenger compartment also boasts great flexibility - thanks above all to the variety of seating adjustments available - and excellent visibility and command of the road due to the extensive glazed areas, the high driving position and the gear lever positioned at the centre of the dashboard.

From a stylistic point of view, the new Panda Trekking is perfectly in line with the 4x4 version in terms of both interior and exterior: the only differences are the cosmetic treatment of the alloy rims (aluminium instead of burnished) and the absence of a silver skid plate.

The three engines available are: 85 HP 0.9 TwinAir Turbo, 80 HP TwinAir Turbo Natural Power and 75 HP 1.3 MultiJet II.

Methane or LPG engine Panda: Fiat's eco-friendly range is extended
As always, Fiat is ahead of all the rest with its ongoing quest for innovative solutions for the reduction of polluting emissions and levels of CO2. The Fiat Group is proposing specific solutions that are within the reach of everyone and are available today to achieve this significant goal. Specifically, Fiat is the only European manufacturer to offer a wide and articulated range of cars and commercial vehicles with dual fuel LPG/petrol (EasyPower line) and methane/petrol (Natural Power line)

It is in this context that the range unveils the latest innovations: the Fiat Panda Natural Power and EasyPower versions which, like all of Fiat's methane and LPG vehicles, are original equipment (OEM), factory manufactured, guaranteed by the brand itself and marketed through the normal sales network. In this way, customers can be sure that safety standards have been respected and that quality and reliability are top-notch, in addition to enjoying lower running costs and the implementation of the most advanced technologies in this field. With the Natural Power and EasyPower 'alternative' versions, Panda widens an "ecological" range which is unique in Europe and has certainly contributed significantly to the records acknowledged in the latest study by JATO, a world leader in automotive consultancy and research. In fact, for the fifth year running, Fiat is the brand which has recorded the lowest level of CO2 emissions by vehicles sold in Europe in 2011, with an average measurement of 118.2 g/km (4.9 g/km less than the 2010 average). And the 86 g/km of CO2 registered by the Panda TwinAir "Natural Power" is one of the lowest emissions levels on the market as a whole. Interestingly, over 500,000 cars and commercial vehicles were sold from 1997 to today in the Natural Power range.

The Panda Natural Power, enjoy yourself... spending less
As the first methane turbo "two-cylinder" vehicle on the market, the Fiat Panda TwinAir Turbo Natural Power combines the economical and ecological advantages of methane fuel with the power and driving fun of a TwinAir turbo engine.

Available in four or five seater configurations and three trim levels - Pop, Easy and Lounge, in addition to the new Trekking, the Fiat Panda Natural Power is the first car in the world to be fitted with a brilliant, small methane/petrol fuelled two-cylinder engine characterised by a high specific power rating and high torque delivery to perfectly combine reduced consumption and driving fun.

Equipped with the 0.9 TwinAir Turbo Natural Power 80 HP engine, the new Panda secures low CO2 (86 g/km) emission levels and low fuel consumption (3.1 kg/100 km on the type-approval combined cycle) when running on methane. It should be noted that this vehicle's emissions are an absolute record for Fiat Group cars and one of the lowest of the entire market. Autonomy is also excellent, almost 10% better than the Panda Classic 1.4 Natural Power, even when combined with 30% better performance.

From an economic point of view, the methane version guarantees significantly lower costs per kilometre than the petrol versions, so much so that it is possible to cover double the amount of kilometres for the same fuel cost. An example? In Italy, with 10 Euros of methane, the Panda TwinAir Natural Power covers up to 340 km.

The Panda EasyPower: saving has never been so easy 
The new Panda EasyPower is the dual fuel version (LPG/petrol) which widens the range of a model which has always met the real life needs of our customers. Available in Pop, Easy and Lounge trim levels, the new version offers an intelligent solution at a time when the prices of petrol and diesel are constantly rising. LPG is also a "clean" and economical fuel, as well as being an energy source which is widely available in Italy. With the new Panda EasyPower, you will save money every day, from the moment you make your purchase. Equipped with the 69 HP 1.2 Bi-fuel engine, the new Panda EasyPower guarantees reduced CO2 emissions (107 g/km) and lower consumption (6.6 litres/100 km in the combined cycle). What's more, thanks to the dual tank, the vehicle enjoys excellent autonomy: the petrol autonomy remains unchanged (the vehicle uses the same tank as the standard version), but added to that is the LPG autonomy which can be over 350 km in an extra-urban cycle.

Panda: 31 years of success and innovation
The "Panda" model is part of Fiat's heritage, which represented a new and unmistakable way of seeing the everyday relationship with the car in automotive history: more immediate, more natural, easier. That's why, over time, the Panda has become a brand, with strong emotional value, to which Italian and European drivers have always been profoundly attached.

The Panda made its debut at the Geneva Motor Show in 1980. The first model introduced by Fiat was the result of research work started in 1976. Panda brought about a new idea that soon became to stand for a new way of experiencing a car: simple, democratic and fun, but also revolutionary thanks to its intuitive and ingenious solutions. It is the first generation of one of the best loved European citycars, a vehicle that never ceases to amaze. In the next three years, the sun roof and 4WD versions make their appearance. In 1983 the Panda 4x4 makes its debut. The first 4 wheel-drive vehicle in its category starts travelling the world and competing in off-road rallies where it proves its great resistance and complete reliability. For example, more that 50 Pandas 4x4 take part in the Rome-Tunis-Abidjan African off-road rally in 1985. Two years later, they available in 16 versions: 4x4, Trekking, Natural Power and EasyPower are in Australia for the "Safariland" and in 1989 the tiny 4WD Fiat Pandas represent Italy in the re-enactment of the legendary Beijing-Paris race: 22 thousand kilometres through eleven countries.

As the tiniest offroader on the market travels throughout the world, the first generation Panda model is enhanced by the introduction of the second series. In 1986 the new FIRE 769 cc 34 HP and FIRE 999 45 HP are presented together with the first diesel engine. The customers' appreciation of this car does not change. In 1990 the range evolves, enhanced by the futuristic Panda Elettra, the first version equipped with an electric motor. The first generation of Pandas is produced until 2003, leading the 'minicar' purchase statistics up to the very last moment.

Following in the footsteps of an established best-seller, the new Panda debuts in September 2003, bearing not only the name but also the spirit of the model, translating the product values and personality that made it a genuine icon in the collective imagination into today's language. The old 3-door body module is discontinued, leaving way to a new design: 13 cm longer and about 10 cm wider, the new Panda adopts a comfortable 5-door hatchback layout. The success is immediate! First car of its segment to win the prestigious title of "Car of the Year" in 2004, this model becomes an authentic "platform" upon which Fiat is building a whole family of cars with technology and attention to detail worthy of a higher category.

The Panda 4x4 was introduced in 2004. It had been put to the test at the four corners of the world from the early stages of development in order to assess its sturdiness, character and behaviour on the road especially in road and weather conditions that were often extreme: to the North, on cold Lapland frozen tracks, where the temperature drops to 40 degrees below zero; to the South, under the South African scorching sun, where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Indian Ocean; to the West, along the jagged slopes in Sierra Nevada in Spain and to the East, on the slopes of majestic and perennial Mount Everest. The Panda 4x4 covered more than 1 million kilometres overall before being produced.

From 2012, the third generation of the Fiat Panda takes up the baton and continues along the path started 31 years ago on the roads of the whole world. Perfectly in line with the spirit of its 4WD predecessors, the new Panda 4x4 was born to face any situation, regardless of how extreme, with dynamism and freedom.
